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TNPSC Group 2- Write about the Problem and Prospects of Pulp and Paper Industries of Tamilnadu.

Arulmathi S

Tamil Nadu stands second in paper production in our country after Maharashtra.

Six locational factors of the pulp and paper industry are as follows:

1. Raw Material

2. Water

3. Power

4. Transport

5. Capital

6. Labour.

Bambo, grass and bagasse from sugercane are raw materials for paper industry.

Soda, Soda ash, Chlorine, Sulphur, wood pulp and plenty of water are other requirements for setting up of paper industries.

Pulp & Paper Industry Areas in Tamil Nadu:

Cheranmahadevi, Pallipalayam, Udmalpet, Chennai, Salem, Amravathinagar, Pahanasam, Madurai Pukkathurai in Kancheepuram district, Bhavani sagar, Pallipalayam, Pugalur, Paramathi Vellorebare major districts in paper pulp production.

Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited (TNPL) is a government of Tamil Nadu enterprise producing newsprint and printing and writing paper at its mill located at Kagithapuram in Karur district.

TNPL(1979) with an installed capacity of 2.45 lakh MT of production per year.

Problems faced my paper industries:

  1. Lack of raw material availability and transportation of the good and clogs from the forest to industrial location.

  2. Paper industries are highly energy consuming industries and water consuming industries, and to reduce the cost of a paper many of the paper industries depend on hiddle and thermal power.

  3. As these industries require more water and effluent treatment is required.

  4. These industries release lot of carbon dioxide which causes global warming and affects environment as well.

  5. More research and development for clean development mechanism (CDM) and innovative technology to be adopted for these industries.

  6. Due to digitalisation the demand and need of paper is decreasing.

  7. As it is highly capital intensive industry small scale industries required support from government.

  8. Availability of cheap labour in the developed districts are very difficult.

  9. Recycling of old used papers , production of eco friendly papers and production of papers from rugs and waste requires a lot of money material and time.

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