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TNPSC - What are the Socio economic advantages of the Interlinking of Rivers in India?

Arulmathi S

India's rivers carry a huge amount of water every year and most of it is drained into the ocean.

The interlinking rivers in India will solve the twin problems of floods and droughts, reducing farmer stress, ensuring food security, developing agriculture and allied activities.

The Interlinking of river will integrate people, and increase the volume of inland water transport which will help India in reducing fossil fuel imports as well as in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Failure of monsoon India faces floods and droughts at the same time. Interlinking of Rivers will solve the water problems of farmers.

Challenges faced in Interlinking of Rivers

1. River water pollution.

2. The uneven seasonal flow of water within the Himalayan region.

The melting glaciers in the Himalayas due to climate change will affect the future water availability in the Himalayan river.

3. The problem of sedimentation in river water.

4. River water dispute between states.

5. Shrinkage of channel width due to the expansion of human settlements towards the channel. Rehabilitation of human and other wildlife in the river areas.

6. Natural habitat of flora and fauna along the new river course will get affected.

The National Perspective Plan (NPP) was prepared by the then Ministry of Irrigation (now Ministry of Jal Shakti) in August 1980 for water resources development through inter basin transfer of water, for transferring water from water surplus basins to water-deficit basins. Under the NPP, the National Water Development Agency (NWDA) has identified 30 links (16 under Peninsular Component & 14 under Himalayan Component) for preparation of Feasibility Reports.

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